Butternut squash is a mild-tasting vegetable that is rich in Vitamin A and popular among kids. This flavorful combination tastes great warm or cold. Calculate this recipe to the desired ratio using about the same amount of coconut milk as squash; 1gm of Curry Powder per serving (2gm for stronger flavor); and 5-15gm of raw onion per serving depending on carbohydrate restriction. We used Spice Island brand Curry Powder which is very aromatic but not spicy hot.


  1. Butternut squash - cooked 
  2. Coconut milk (not low-fat) 
  3. Curry powder 
  4. Onions - raw Olive 
  5. oil


  1. Bake a butternut squash; cut it down the middle then scoop out the strings and seeds. Turn both pieces face down on a foil covered baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. You can also cook cut the flesh into chunks and microwave until soft. 
  2. Sautee raw onions in olive oil in a small sauce pan. 
  3. Add cooked squash, coconut milk and curry powder and mix well with a silicone spatula, mashing squash into liquids. 
  4. Simmer for 10 minutes on low heat to blend flavors. Water may be added for thinner consistency. Soup may be refrigerated for 2 days or frozen.