I started my journey in 11 January. Everyone told me being vegan I wouldn’t be able to do keto.
And to be honest I’m not full keto but I try eat low carb/keto as much as I can.
Before I started this journey I had completely given up on my body, and struggled with eating disorder most of my teenage/adult life. And struggling with anxiety and postnatal depression added in to the mix food was there to sooth the pain.
I’ve tried every diet under the sun. I’ve starved myself and binged on food more times than I can remember... I’ve had every therapy going and I’ve spent so much money on trying to help myself out of these cycles. Food addiction is a thing and it was my coping mechanism.
My main reason for wanting to get better was for my children. I don’t want them growing up with a bad relationship with food, I want to grow old with them and show them anything is possible.
Finally I have found a way. One which is working for me. One which is flexible.
The last 3 months haven’t been a struggle like every other diet I’ve tried. This is a lifestyle change and a mindset overhaul. I never thought in a millions years I would get control over my eating habits like I have using PTK.
Now I feel like a new person. I’ve now got my life back when I had almost given up hope. I’ve got my energy back, I’m not snappy and horrible to be around. I now take my girls to the park after school when before all I wanted to do was go home and hide.
So here’s what I did to get these results 😊
🔥 intermittent fasting everyday 16:8
🔥 2 X PTK
🔥 1 x protone
🔥 1 gallon of water
🔥 20 mins of exercise
🔥 1/2 vegan ketoish/lowcarbish (I love carbs) I don’t count anything and if I want something I’ll have it.
🔥 I try stay away from the scales.
It’s like a fire has been lit in me and I will forever be grateful for these products and the people I have met on my better journey within this community.
If you are ready for Better - contact the person who added you to this group 💖
#shakedrinkbam #veganketo #beforeandbetter